Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has given two short films from Uttarakhand, Bittu Rawat for Best Cinematography and Srishti Lakheda’s Garhwali film Ek Tha Gaon for Best Non-Feature Film, in the list of 69th National Film Awards. Hearty congratulations and best wishes to all the hardworking members of both the films on being selected.
“Entire Uttarakhand a destination for filming”
The Chief Minister said that on the strength of their talent, these youths of the state have done the work of bringing serious problems like Himalayan concerns and migration on the national platform. Apart from giving direction to the society, these films will also work to inspire the youth. He said that the award received by these youth is also an honor of the state. Dhami said that the natural beauty of Uttarakhand has made filmmakers a center of attraction for Devbhoomi Uttarakhand. Several decisions have been taken in the interest of filmmakers in the state to facilitate them. He said that entire Uttarakhand is a destination for filming.