About Us

About Us

NewsStreetLive.com is your go-to destination for the most latest and trending news alerts, articles, and updates from around the globe. News Street Live is a unit of Kesariya Network Private Limited and since inception, we have been dedicated towards delivering quality news content to our readers in a crisp user-friendly format. With our commitment to accuracy, timeliness, and engaging storytelling, we strive to be a trusted source of information, keeping our readers engaged and informed at all times. 

In addition to provide timely updates on the latest happenings, we strive to offer insightful analysis and commentary on significant events shaping our world. Our team of seasoned journalists, analysts and photographers works diligently to bring you in-depth perspectives, helping you make sense of complex issues and trends.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple, to provide the latest and trending news stories, articles, and updates across various news categories, including Top news alerts, National News (India), World News, Uttar Pradesh, Sports, Crime, Entertainment, Business, Technology, Health, and News from other Indian States. We believe that staying up to date is essential in today’s fast-paced life, and we aim to empower our readers with reliable news from around the globe. Our team of experienced editor, journalists, designers and contributors are dedicated to delivering news in a comprehensive and objective manner, keeping our readers at the forefront of breaking news.

Our Values

Integrity, we uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity, ensuring that our reporting is always fair, accurate, and unbiased.

Innovation, we embrace innovation in all its forms, constantly striving to find new and creative ways to tell stories and engage our audience.

Community, we believe in the power of community, and we are dedicated to fostering a space where people from all walks of life can come to together to share their ideas and perspectives.

Evolving Yet Authentic

We totally understand the responsibility that comes with being a trusted source of information, and we are committed to uphold the highest ethical standards in our reporting. Whether it’s a local development or global crisis, you can rely on us to present the news alerts in a fair, balanced and unbiased manners.

But our commitment doesn’t stop at delivering news, we also strive to encourage a sense of community and dialogue among our readers. Through our interactive features, comment sections and social media platforms, we invite you to join the conversation, share your perspectives, and connect with fellow news enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds.

What Makes News Street Live Different

We are dedicated to amplifying voices that are often overlooked or marginalized in mainstream media. We believe in the power of diversity and inclusion, and we strive to feature stories and perspectives that reflects the richness and complexity of our world. By giving a voice to underrepresented voices, we hope to foster greater understanding and empathy among our audience.

The media landscape is constantly evolving, whether its a about a local news, or any trend emerging globally, we keep finding ways to enhance and refine the experience of our audience, we try our best to deliver the news alerts in the most engaging and accessible formats. Whether it’s through interactive graphics, multimedia story telling or user generated content, we are constantly exploring ways to bring news to life.

But above all, we are here for you-our audience, our first priority. Your feedback, suggestions and constant support is what drives us to perform better each and every day. We are dedicated to listen to our audience’s needs and adapting our platform to serve authentic. So, whether you are a long-time reader or just discovering us for the first time, welcome to the community. We are excited and it’s an honor to embark on this journey with you.


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