Mumbai, July 13 (IANS) Actor Aditya Roy Kapur, who has added fuel to his dating rumours with Ananya Panday with their pictures from vacation doing the rounds on social media, has talked about the importance of kindness in a relationship.
Aditya is featured in dating app Bumble’s new global campaign, titled Kindness is Sexy.
He emphasised on the importance of being empathetic and kind. “I think the heart of everything is being good to people around you and being good to people you are in a romantic relationship with”.
Speaking on the importance of kindness in relationships, he shared, “I think kindness can never go out of style. It’s one of the intrinsic things about being able to survive in society – the ability to get along with other people, be it in a romantic relationship or friendship or any other, and at its core, you need to be kind to everyone, especially in romantic relationships.”
He added: “Sometimes we just go along with certain behaviours because everyone else is doing it. But here’s the thing, just because everyone does it, doesn’t make it right. Kindness goes beyond just just being decent, it’s also vulnerability and empathy — all of which are so important to build healthy relationships. Now more than ever, it’s cool to be kind! And I think kindness is sexy and will always be.”