In the aftermath of the Umesh Pal murder case, Prayagraj police have been relentlessly searching for Shaista, who has managed to elude them despite their determined efforts. Following an 82-hour operation, the police are now preparing to enhance the reward for her capture.
Shaista, wife of Atiq Ahmed, has been implicated as an accomplice in the Umesh Pal murder case. Since the incident, she has been on the run. The police have announced a reward of INR 50,000 for information leading to her capture.
In a recent development, under Section 82 of the Indian Penal Code, the police conducted a thorough search at a residence suspected to be Shaista’s hideout. During the operation, the police conducted a comprehensive search, employing drumbeats and loudspeakers, and declared Shaista as an absconder. The residents of the house were also informed about the ongoing investigation and the reward on her head. Notably, after Umesh Pal’s murder, several other suspects had sought refuge in the same house. The police had razed the house to the ground with a bulldozer after the incident.
The Prayagraj police took action against Shaista Parveen, the wife of mafia don Atiq Ahmed, under Section 82 today. During the operation, the police also informed the public about the case, the reward, and urged them not to provide shelter to her. Legal action will be taken against anyone found aiding or abetting her.