New Delhi, Aug 7 (IANS) The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday said that it recently conducted searches at various locations in Delhi, Hisar, Bhiwani, Karnal and Yamuna Nagar (Haryana) belonging to Govardhan Mines & Minerals, Sunder Marketing and Associates and their partners in illegal mining case.
During the search, a Mercedes car having acquisition value of Rs 1.25 crore, cash of Rs 26.45 lakh and incriminating documents including digital evidences, hard disks, mobiles, etc were seized.
The ED initiated PMLA investigation based on the Prosecution Complaint filed by the Regional Officer, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, Bhiwani before Special Environment Court, Kurukshetra as the entities violated the conditions of Environment Clearance under Environment (Protection) Act.
The National Green Tribunal (NGT), Delhi has also imposed penalty of Rs 65 crore on Sunder Mining and Associates and Govardhan Mines and Minerals for doing illegal and unscientific mining causing large scale damage to the environment.
During the search operations by ED, various incriminating documents were found and seized which revealed illegal mining done by these firms violating the environmental clearances granted to them leading to acquisition of proceeds of crime to the tune of hundreds of crores.
“Documents found and seized also reveal that the manipulations in getting mining contract by Sunder Marketing and Associate and others. Freezing orders in respect of bank lockers and bank accounts of the Group were issued during the search operations under provisions of PMLA,” said an official.
Further investigation into the matter is on.