For the upcoming Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly elections, the Congress party has released its manifesto on Tuesday. The unveiling of the manifesto took place at Ravindra Bhavan and was attended by the State Congress President and former Chief Minister Kamal Nath, former CM Digvijay Singh, and the Chairman of the Madhya Pradesh Congress Manifesto Committee, Dr. Rajendra Singh. In this manifesto, the Congress has addressed every section of society. The 116-page document encompasses 59 issues that concern the public and includes a total of 1290 promises. Furthermore, the Congress has presented 101 key assurances. The manifesto is categorized into seven sectors, including farmers, youth, women, faith, social justice, employees, and family. PC Chief Kamal Nath stated that they received around nine thousand suggestions for the manifesto, which has been prepared after a year’s dedicated effort. In the previous elections, the Congress had included 973 promises in a 112-page manifesto.