Lucknow: In a heart-breaking incident, a government teacher and his son lost their lives within a week due to rabies infection, contracted from bites and scratches inflicted by their pet cat in Akbarpur town of Kanpur Dehat district. The tragic turn of events unfolded when the family’s beloved feline unknowingly became infected with rabies after being bitten by a stray dog.
District officials revealed that the cat had encountered a rabies-infected stray dog sometime in September, transmitting the deadly virus to the unsuspecting pet. Unaware of the cat’s condition, the family continued to care for it, providing general treatment without realizing the impending danger.
Tragically, about a fortnight ago, both the father, Imtiazuddin, a 58-year-old headmaster at a local basic school, and his son, Azeem Akhtar, a 24-year-old working in Noida, fell victim to the cat’s rabies-infected bites and scratches. Instead of seeking immediate medical attention and obtaining anti-rabies vaccination, the duo opted for tetanus injections, further delaying the necessary treatment.
Despite the cat’s eventual demise, the family remained in denial of the impending danger, failing to seek proper medical attention. This lapse in judgment proved fatal, as Azeem’s health deteriorated rapidly during a family trip to Bhopal for a wedding. Despite receiving initial treatment in Bhopal, Azeem’s condition worsened, and he succumbed to rabies on the way back to Kanpur.
Imtiazuddin, too, fell victim to the deadly virus, experiencing a sudden decline in health on November 29. Rushed to the Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences in Etawah’s Saifai, he too succumbed to the infection the following day.
The family’s attempts to conceal the tragic events came to light when health officials initiated an investigation upon learning of the fatalities. Now, health authorities are closely monitoring the health of Imtiazuddin’s wife and daughter, ensuring they receive the necessary medical attention.