Mumbai, April 12 (IANS) Ankit Bathla, who plays a cop in the show ‘Savdhaan India-Apni Khaki’, said it is emotionally very challenging for him to play intense scenes on screen, adding that he starts to feel the victim’s pain in real life and gets emotional.
Ankit plays the character of Inspector Shiva Agnihotri in the crime show.
The actor, who is known for his work in ‘Naagin 4’, said: “Sometimes when there’s a character in front of me and it’s a criminal, and when I get to know the story, or they’re confessing, I won’t deny, I actually feel so angry and my blood literally boils. We just did a story where they killed an eight-month-old baby for fake family pride, and I actually got tears in my eyes.”
“So, it is emotionally very draining, but once the uniform is off and Ankit Bathla comes back to life, I go back home, sit for meditation, and my only prayer is that we end crime, which is quite in sync with what Shiva Agnihotri wants in his life,” he shared.
Ankit also shared that playing a cop on screen is very challenging for him because it comes with a lot of responsibility.
“A lot of people are looking up to you. You can’t be saying things that are not right, you can’t be doing things that are not right, and there’s also a certain protocol that the police officers follow,” said the ‘Maddam Sir’ actor.
Talking about the shoot, Ankit added: “We have gone through the training, which is part of the preparation for the character, and I think it is so extremely important to be fit because there’s so much action that we do every day, so much running that we do every day, and this is probably the first time that I have been in the sun almost throughout the day, shooting, which has not been an easy experience, but I have learned it over time, and honestly, the pride that it gets when we wear the character on beats every bit of the trouble.”