Former legislator Sarvesh Singh Seepu and his friend Bharat Rai visited Jiyanpur Kotwali for some work on the morning of July 19, 2013. After meeting the then Kotwal Vijay Singh, they were returning on foot. As they reached Jiyanpur Chowk, Seepu stood by a tea stall, had tea, and was heading towards his residence located near Jiyanpur Chowk when bike-borne assailants opened fire, killing him on the spot.
The Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (STF) Varanasi unit arrested Arvind Keshav, a one lakh reward beneficiary for his alleged involvement in Seepu’s murder, on Friday morning. Arvind was on the run after being implicated in the killing of former legislator Sarvesh Singh Seepu on July 19, 2013, at Jiyanpur Chowk. Arvind’s arrest was made from the Daba region of Ludhiana city in the Punjab region.
The incident had caused a stir in the district, as Seepu and his friend Bharat Rai were shot dead in broad daylight. Notably, infamous Dhruv Kumar Singh and others were previously sentenced to life imprisonment for their involvement