Lucknow, July 30 (IANS) The Uttar Pradesh BJP has released CDs containing video films that showcase achievements of the Yogi-led government over nine years as well as those of the Union ministry of defence.UP BJP president Bhupendra Chaudhary said, “It is a matter of pride for us that issues on our agenda and the commitments we made to the people, were all fulfilled by our government. From old commitments like Ram Temple, scrapping Article 370 to setting newer and bigger goals of becoming a top ranked global economy, cracking down on crime and corruption, we have been fulfilling commitments. We have also gone to the people with our report card.”
Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak said the party cadre would take the CDs that detailed the BJP’s achievements, to the masses.
Programme coordinator Neeraj Singh said under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, the Centre’s as well Defence Minister Rajnath Singh’s push had led to development projects worth Rs 40,000 crore being initiated in Lucknow, which is Singh’s Lok Sabha constituency.