Lucknow: On the occasion of the 77th Independence Day, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Chief Mayawati took to Twitter to extend her heartfelt greetings to the citizens of India and beyond. In her tweet, she conveyed her best wishes for the well-being and prosperity of all Indian brothers and sisters.
Mayawati Ji emphasized the significance of government efforts to provide peace and harmony to its people, acknowledging the crucial role that the Constitution plays as an exemplary model for the world. She stressed the need for alleviating immense poverty, unemployment, and backwardness, pointing out that liberation from the chasm between the rich and the poor is pivotal.
The tweet highlighted the imperative of offering respite from the clutches of destitution and the urgent necessity for uplifting lives that are burdened with curses. Mayawati Ji emphasized that true establishment of freedom and reaping its rightful benefits can only be realized by ensuring a just and equitable society.