Lucknow: A CBI team from Lucknow arrested a bank branch manager and his aide from Deoria for seeking bribe from a farmer in connection with increasing the limit of cash credit loan. CBI had received a complaint from one Mahesh Kumar Sharma from Deoria alleging demand of undue advantage of Rs 12,000 by Branch Manager, Baroda UP Gramin Bank, Navneet Mishra through Peon Rahul for enhancement of cash credit limit of complainant from Rs 2 lakh to 5 lakh.
Mahesh Sharma of Mishrauli village of Tarkulwa police station area had complained to the Lucknow branch of CBI that for increasing cash credit limit the government bank branch manager of Kanchanpur had allegedly sought a bribe of Rs 12,000. Taking cognizance of this complaint, the CBI Lucknow team came and camped in Gorakhpur.
The team members called the complainant and handed over a bundle of cash worth Rs 12,000. When the complainant handed over the wad of notes to the branch manager, CBI Inspector Sabhajit Chauhan’s team caught the branch manager Navneet Mishra and agent Rahul red handed.
The CBI team members also collected data from the computer installed in the office of the accused manager.