Uttarakhand Agriculture Minister Ganesh Joshi visited over 35 flood-affected villages in the district on Sunday. He said that according to preliminary estimates, the loss has been pegged at around Rs 38 crore. Crops were sown in more than 91 thousand hectare area in the district. Ganesh Joshi said that the damaged crops include sugarcane, paddy and vegetables. The affected areas will be declared calamity affected and farmers will be given adequate compensation. He said that apart from the compensation, he would request the Chief Minister to provide financial assistance to the farmers from the Disaster Relief Fund, as per the norms of the Central Government.
Crops sown in more than 53,000 hectares have been destroyed by the recent floods in Laksar, Khanpur and Mangalore in Haridwar district of Uttarakhand. The State Agriculture Minister has given this information.