Delhi Police has busted a factory here in Dwarka that was making fake ghee and selling it in containers bearing the labels of brands like Patanjali, Mother Dairy and Amul. Officials gave this information on Friday. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Dwarka) M Harsh Vardhan said that teams of Dwarka Police District Investigation and Vigilance units conducted a raid in Dichaun Kalan on November 19.
“During the raid, we found various items used in making adulterated ghee and there were two people there who could not produce proper documents required to operate the factory,” he said. The officer said that during the investigation, the police found It was revealed that the name of the factory owner is Sumit. Harsh Vardhan said that a case has been registered against him under the provisions of the Copyright Act and a search is on for him.
Police said that they recovered stickers of products like Patanjali, Mother Dairy and Amul from the factory. Harsh Vardhan said, “We have recovered 4,900 wrappers or stickers of different brands, 120 cartons with labels of Mother Dairy, containers used in packaging of ghee, gas burner, vegetable oil and many other products for making fake ghee. ”