Los Angeles, July 13 (IANS) The American satirical-comedy-drama series ‘Succession’ has made history at the 2023 Emmy Awards as it became the first show where all three of its lead actors, Brian Cox, Kieran Culkin and Jeremy Strong each received a nod in the ‘Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series’ category.
Furthermore, ‘Succession’ has managed to get the most number of nominations garnering a total of 27 nominations for its final season, and prior to this the show has already won 13 Emmy Awards and getting 25 nods for its third season in 2022.
According to Deadline, Both Cox and Strong have already competed in this category twice. Strong is looking to take home his second Lead Actor trophy this year, after previously winning in 2020. He was also nominated in 2021 along with Cox (who lost the trophy to Strong in 2020).
This marks Culkin’s first foray in the Lead Actor category, though he was previously nominated twice for the Supporting Actor. Last year, he competed alongside Matthew Macfadyen and Nicholas Braun, and Macfadyen prevailed.