Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh: In a shocking incident, a heartless father gave his son a Taliban-like punishment for his mischievous behavior, causing an uproar on social media. The incident came to light when a viral video surfaced showing the brutal punishment meted out by the father.
The incident took place in Gadwa village, under the jurisdiction of the Charwa police station. The ten-year-old boy had been indulging in mischief for quite some time and even skipped school, causing distress to his father. When the father returned home on Wednesday evening, he caught his son misbehaving again.
Infuriated, the father took his son to the courtyard and tied his hands and feet. He then mercilessly beat him with a stick, while the terrified boy cried out for mercy. Despite his pleas, the heartless father did not show any compassion.
Even though some relatives tried to intervene and stop the beating, their efforts were in vain as the father remained relentless. Shockingly, someone captured the entire ordeal on video and shared it on social media platforms, sparking outrage.
Upon learning of the viral video, Superintendent of Police Samar Bahadur Singh assured swift action. He stated that an investigation into the incident is underway, and legal action will be taken against the father if found guilty of the brutal beating.
The incident has raised concerns about child abuse and has prompted authorities to take strict measures against such acts of violence towards children.