Mumbai, Sep 14 (IANS) The streaming sketch comedy show ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ dropped the trailer for its upcoming season 2 on Saturday. While Kapil pulled in Ranbir Kapoor, his mom Neetu and his sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni for the 1st season, he is now bringing in the actor’s wife, Bollywood superstar Alia Bhatt in the second season of the show.
The trailer of the second season shows Alia engaging in a fun banter with Kapil and his team as she laughs her heart out.
In fact, the Kapoor family was the one to inaugurate Kapil’s streaming show as Ranbir cut the ribbon of the first episode along with his mother and sister. During the 1st episode, Kapil naked if the ‘Animal’ superstar gifted his sister Riddhima’s dress to his girlfriend, he reacted by admitting that he even gifted his mother’s jewellery to his ex-girlfriend.
The trailer of the second season promises a mix of guests from cinema and cricket in the 2nd season with guests likeSuryakumar Yadav, Rohit Sharma, NTR Jr, Karan Johar, Saif Ali Khan and Janhavi Kapoor gracing the show.
Kapil’s show also stars Sunil Grover, Krushna Abhishek, Kiku Sharda, Rajiv Thakur and Archana Puran Singh. Season 2 promises to celebrate India and its rich culture with the superstars of the country. The new season will also feature the T20 World Cup winners who are exceptionally brilliant at charades, and the Fabulous Bollywood Wives.
The format of ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ is largely identical to that of Sharma’s former shows ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ and ‘Comedy Nights with Kapil’. The show revolves around Kapil Sharma and his team of comedians, including Sunil Grover, Kiku Sharda, Krushna Abhishek and Rajiv Thakur.
The second season of the show is set to drop on September 21 on Netflix.