Kareena Kapoor Khan’s fans received a special treat on Friday morning as the first glimpse of her debut OTT film was unveiled. “Jaane Jaan,” directed by Sujoy Ghosh and touted as a murder mystery, also stars Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat. Notably, the film is scheduled to release on Kareena Kapoor Khan’s birthday, September 21, on Netflix.
The teaser showcases Sujoy Ghosh’s signature crime thriller style, featuring Kareena Kapoor Khan in a strikingly different appearance – makeup-free and portraying the role of a mother. The video begins with Kareena singing Helen’s iconic song, “Aa Jane Jaan,” in a mysterious tone, followed by glimpses of Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat.
Expressing her excitement about her debut OTT project, Kareena stated, “I am thrilled to make my Netflix debut with this special project.”