Chennai, March 11 (IANS) The Tamil Nadu Crime Branch-CID has issued a lookout circular (LOC) against former Director General of Police Rajesh Das, who was sentenced to three years rigorous imprisonment for sexual harassment of a woman Superintendent of Police.
The LOC has been sent to all airports to prevent Rajesh Das from leaving the country.
The sexual harassment happened when Rajesh Das and the woman SP were on security duty of then Chief Minister K. Palaniswami in February 2021.
The Villupuram Chief Judicial Magistrate’s court had sentenced Rajesh Das to three years rigorous imprisonment in June 2023 under Section 4 of the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Harrassment of Women (Amendment) Act, 2002.
Rajesh Das moved the Madras High Court against the trial court order, but on February 12, it had refused to stay the order of the lower court. The Tamil Nadu Police had constituted a special CB-CID team to arrest him.