An unconventional scene unfolded within the premises of the Katghar Police Station in Muradabad, where a wedding altar replaced the usual hustle and bustle. In a unique turn of events, a couple deeply in love tied the knot, with a Qazi officiating the marriage and the police present as witnesses. Although the bride and groom weren’t dressed in traditional wedding attire, the marriage formalities were conducted in the presence of witnesses, and signatures were exchanged on the marriage certificate.
The reason behind this unusual police-involved wedding traces back to the story of Yusrah from Azad Nagar and Guddu from Mughalpura, both residing in Muradabad. For the past five years, they had been in a romantic relationship. According to Yusrah, whenever she proposed marriage to Guddu, he evaded the topic. Frustrated, she lodged a complaint at the Katghar Police Station. This led to police intervention, and they summoned Guddu. Facing the possibility of severe legal consequences, Guddu ultimately agreed to marry Yusrah, under the supervision of the police.
The families were brought together, and the Qazi was called to officiate the marriage. With unanimous consent, the marriage certificate was prepared, signed, and exchanged by both parties. Interestingly, even Guddu and Yusrah added their signatures to the document, demonstrating their acceptance of the union.
However, post-marriage, Guddu didn’t take Yusrah to his home. They both returned to their respective houses. Yusrah expressed her intention to live elsewhere, away from her in-laws, claiming that she wouldn’t go to Guddu’s home. This decision has generated discussions among locals, as the police-involved marriage at the police station remains the center of attention in the town of Muradabad.