Addressing the AGM, Reliance Retail Director Isha Ambani said that the financial year 2022-23 has proved to be a landmark year for Reliance Retail. He said that in 2022-23, 78 crore customers will visit Reliance Retail’s stores for shopping and the company has 25 crore registered customers. Isha Ambani said that Reliance Retail has a total of 18,040 stores and 3300 stores have been opened in the last financial year.
Isha Ambani said that Reliance Retail has reached 98 percent of the country’s pincodes through online and offline business. He said that Reliance Retail has sold 23 lakh appliances and 5 lakh laptops from its stores. Let us tell you that Isha Ambani, director of Reliance Retail, has been included in the board of Reliance Industries. Isha Ambani has been inducted as a non-executive director on the board of Reliance.