Mukesh Ambani announced that Reliance Jio AirFiber will make its debut on Ganesh Chaturthi, falling on September 19, during the 46th AGM of Reliance Industries. Additionally, Ambani stated that Jio’s 5G services are on track to provide nationwide coverage with ultra-high-speed connectivity by December 2023.
Reliance Jio’s customer base has now exceeded 450 million subscribers, reflecting a year-on-year revenue growth of over 20 percent. Furthermore, Jio’s 5G network already encompasses 96 percent of towns, and the company is steadfast in its goal to cover the entire nation by December.
Ambani emphasized that Jio was launched seven years ago with the mission to propel India into a Premier Digital Society, and significant investments have been made in building a Digital Public Infrastructure that has gained international recognition. Jio has played a pivotal role in India’s remarkable digital transformation, and now, the company’s aspirations extend beyond India’s borders.
Ambani elaborated on Jio True 5G, their pioneering 5G broadband offering, which commenced its rollout last October. Within just nine months, Jio 5G has already expanded to over 96 percent of India’s census towns.