Meanwhile, Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami said that the condition of none of the 41 laborers taken out of the tunnel is serious. Everyone is healthy. Instead of being carried on a stretcher, they crawled out of the pipe. The workers have been admitted to the hospital. Where his medical checkup will be done. After this the workers will be able to go to their homes. Chief Minister Dhami said, the workers were working for National Highway Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited. The agency has allowed the workers to go home for 15-20 days. Along with this, the Chief Minister announced that all 41 laborers will be given financial assistance of Rs 1 lakh.
Meanwhile, a relative of Dhiren and Benudhar in Mayurbhanj district of Odisha said, “This is like a new birth for them.”
Families of six workers from Shravasti, Uttar Pradesh, lit candles and lamps around the house. Akhilesh’s mother Anju, who hails from Mirzapur, said, “Now we will celebrate Diwali as my son is safe.” After the workers came out safely, some people raised slogans like ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ and ‘Modi hai to mumkin hai’.