New Delhi, March 4 (IANS) Samsung Electronics’s automotive and audio electronics subsidiary Harman on Monday said that during a recent raid, its investigation team, along with law enforcement officers, seized stocks of fake JBL consumer products from car accessories shops in 5 locations across Kashmiri Gate in the national capital.
The team confiscated totalling 54 counterfeit JBL car speakers from these shops.
“We are pursuing rigorous legal actions against individuals engaged in the sale of these counterfeit products. It is crucial for our consumers to be vigilant and buy products from authorised retailers. We will continue these investigations to suppress the sale of such products across India,” Vikram Kher, Vice President, Lifestyle, Harman India, said in a statement.
The company said that it has taken appropriate criminal action against these offenders and intends to continue such investigations to curb the manufacturing and selling of counterfeit products across the country.
Advising the consumers, the company suggested ways to identify a counterfeit JBL product, in which it mentioned inspecting the packaging and logo placement/colour.
“Typically, the packaging is made of flimsy material, missing key details such as certifications, place of manufacture, address, and trademark/copyright information. The logo placement is slightly off and the colour does not match the genuine logo.”
The package/product may be lightweight, smell of chemicals, or have chipped paint, the company added.