Lucknow News: While going on parole, the jail administration had given strict instructions to the prisoners that after the parole is over, everyone will have to return to the jail as soon as the order is issued by the government.
Lucknow jail 43 prisoners released During Corona Now missing police started search for arrest UP News: 43 prisoners released from Lucknow jail during Corona are now missing
Lucknow Jail Prisoners Missing: 43 prisoners released during the Kovid epidemic in Uttar Pradesh have not returned to jail. Due to overcrowding in most of the jails in the state, many prisoners were released on parole to prevent the spread of infection. Most of the prisoners returned after the pandemic was over, but 43 prisoners released from Lucknow jail are missing. The concerned jail administration has written several letters for their arrest, yet the police have not been able to catch the missing prisoners for one and a half years. According to the report, the jail authorities have again started the exercise to arrest the missing prisoners and have sent letters to the concerned police officers to find them.