Lucknow: A 38-year-old man has been accused of killing his 35-year-old wife and three-year-old son by striking them with a spade in a fit of rage at a village in Sitapur district. Senior police officials in Lucknow confirmed the tragic incident, which unfolded in the wee hours of Friday, leading to the arrest of the perpetrator on charges of murder.
Police said that incident occurred in Pakriya village under the jurisdiction of Imaliya Sultanpur police station in Sitapur. The victims were identified as Bhura Devi and her infant son Aarush, while the accused has been identified as Pradeep Giri, the husband of the deceased woman.
Prabhatesh Kumar of Imaliya Sultanpur police station disclosed that the deceased woman’s father, Tota Giri, reported a confrontation between Bhura and Pradeep around midnight on Thursday. Allegedly, in the heat of the argument, Pradeep struck Bhura, who was cradling her infant son, resulting in serious injuries to both.
Tota Giri recounted to the authorities that Pradeep, the accused, promptly transported the injured victims to a local hospital. However, despite medical intervention, the child succumbed to his injuries at Siddhauli CHC, while Bhura tragically lost her life while undergoing treatment at the trauma center of King George Medical University (KGMU) in Lucknow.
The bodies were sent for postmortem examination, and the accused is currently in custody.