On Monday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath emphasized the significance of good governance as a fundamental prerequisite for establishing the rule of law. He confidently declared that over the past six years, Uttar Pradesh has successfully transformed into a state that is devoid of crime, riots, and anarchy.
Adityanath further highlighted the positive implications of a rule of law environment by asserting that Uttar Pradesh has emerged as an exceptionally safe and secure destination for investments. According to him, the presence of a well-functioning rule of law system has played a pivotal role in creating a favorable climate for business and economic growth within the state.
The Chief Minister attributed the accomplishment of a crime-free, riot-free, and anarchy-free Uttar Pradesh to the zero-tolerance policy against crime and anarchy advocated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Adityanath emphasized that the establishment of the rule of law in the state was a direct outcome of the unwavering commitment to curbing crime and maintaining order under PM Modi’s leadership.
By showcasing the significant achievements in terms of improved law and order, Adityanath aimed to highlight the positive transformations that Uttar Pradesh has undergone. The state’s success in fostering a secure and stable environment is portrayed as a testament to the effective implementation of policies and initiatives centered around good governance and a strong rule of law.