Chennai, Feb 18 (IANS) Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Sunday urged the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to intervene and ensure the release and repatriation of Tamil Nadu fishermen who have been arrested by the Sri Lankan Navy.
“These fishermen are not only Tamils but also proud Indians. The continued detention of Tamil Nadu fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy is deeply distressing and a major matter of concern,” the Chief Minister wrote on X.
He said that there has been a steep increase in arrests of Tamil Nadu fishermen since the past two days.
The Chief Minister said that the fishermen were treated as habitual offenders, which has led to their prolonged detention.
He said that the livelihood of the fishermen has been threatened.
“Sri Lankan Navy has impounded several costly mechanised boats and these impounded boats have been nationalised by the Sri Lankan government,” the Chief Minister said.